Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday The 13th Ring

i haven't been into jewelry in quite some time, but this is a must have. i think i may order it next week.

pic taken from:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Masterpiece Transformers

i am so close to dropping $200 on these, but the cheap bastard in my keeps clutching at my wallet....

pics taken from:

Cage- I Never Knew You

yes, that says: Dir (directed by): Shia LaBeouf

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hagfish- Happiness

pop punk at it's finest.

Locke & Key

(description taken from: Publishers Weekly)

Novelist Hill, author of Heart-Shaped Box and son of Stephen King, crafts a gripping account of the shattered Locke family's attempt to rebuild after the father/husband is murdered by a deranged high school student and the family subsequently moving in with the deceased father's brother at the family homestead in Maine. But as anyone who has read horror fiction in the past 70-odd years will tell you, it's a bad idea to try to leave behind the gruesome goings-on in your life by moving to an island named Lovecraft. What begins as a study in coping with grief soon veers into creepy territory as the youngest Locke discovers a doorway with decidedly spectral qualities, along with a well that houses someone or something that desperately wants out and will use any means available to gain freedom, including summoning the teenage murderer who set events in motion in the first place. To say more would give away many of the surprises the creative team provides, but this first of hopefully several volumes delivers on all counts, boasting a solid story bolstered by exceptional work from Chilean artist Gabriel Rodriguez.

i cannot recommend this book enough.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mayer Hawthorne- Just Ain't Gonna Work Out

big ups to Chuy for posting this on his blog. i can't stop listening to this guy's stuff.

The Wait Is Over!

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, today is Cinco de Mayo! And you know what that means...Sure, it celebrates the historical Mexican victory over the French on May, 5th 1862. But more importantly, It's the official release date for the 8bit Cynics new EP "Toothpick". Thats right folks. Six tracks of dopeness for your stupid faces. Be sure to come out to the official release show at Sauced in OKC this Friday and pick up a copy. There is also a limited edition with bonus material. Anyhow, this is the year of the Puzzle and this project is just another strong release from the crew.

Purchase online at

also, come out to the Cross Rhoades for good music and the zany antics of Will and Jesse tomorrow night from 10pm - 1am

so, come out
tell your friends
buy me a beer. seriously

Must Have!!!

The classic scene of demonic possession from The Exorcist is recreated in this amazing boxed set. Regan is restrained to the bed in her demonic state, and with the press of a button you activate motorized 360-degree spinning head rotation timed to the famous movie scene along with demonic noises and sounds from the film.